Testing United 19-23.11.2018, Bratislava - Slovakia

Testing United 2018
This was the biggest surprise for me in 2018. A new conference organized in Bratislava, Slovakia. However the concept is to share 3 capitals as locations. For 2019 Vienna, Austria will be the venue, and the year after it will be held in Prague, Czechia.

I have to admit the atmosphere and organization was absolutely perfect. With big stars in lineup like Gojko Adzic, wonderful hotel as venue and fancy restaurant for networking party. On top of that, hosts of the conference gave us a small sightseeing tour around the city, we had wonderful speakers dinner with an opportunity to talk to each other in quiet space. We saw the Christmas market and had the chance to try local specials.
Inside the great hotel where conference was organized we had great antique rooms with state of art LED display on stage to present our slides. It was a technology that I sam only on US conferences before.

We had a dedicated movie for each of the speaker being played on the screen instead of standard introduction and that made great impression, example below:
Then there was a nice pack of great presentations, love most of them that I had visited. Did I mentioned that we were landing on airport in Vienna and were picked up there by the conference organizers? That we had a small welcome gifts and taxi to our hotels in Bratislava? A state of art organization and technical background.

The organizers build a big surprise for me and all of the polish speakers, that I met: Marta Firlej and Tomek Dubikowski were impressed. Unfortunately I did not know about the rule that we try to not repeat the speakers each year and lost CFP without trying to buy tickets. Missed the 2019 edition, hope it was up to the standard put by first edition.
That was one of my top conferences in 2018, next to Belgrade and Budapest. Thanks for the invite.