QA Fest, Kiev Ukraine 2018

During last week I had the privilege to represent Objectivity at the 5th anniversary of Ukraine biggest QA conference QA Fest. It was a great adventure to be a speaker in same line-up with Michael Bolton and Johan Jonasson.

I got the opportunity to share my experience about security scanners and how much it requires to invest to start building security awareness inside a project. How to book some time for self-development and up-skill. The conference had over 500 attendees from all over Ukraine and Europe. I was fortunate to collect around 150 interested listeners, who enjoyed the talk and gave me a lot of insights and questions. I saw almost 95% rate of people raising their hands about giving a try to learn the scanners and try them out in their project. That was very positive and motivating for future presentations.
I once again found out how love visiting new countries and spend time with people discussing about their projects and feelings. QA Fest is one of the best conferences I saw so far, with great atmosphere and epic after-party. I would definitely recommend a visit there to anyone interested in testing or considering giving a speech. Great people in a beautiful city.

Hope to visit that conference at 10th anniversary or sooner.
Thanks for the invite !