"Let's solve IT" mentoring

I am more than happy to share with You that one of the new challenges I had put myself into this year is to support the mentoring program for "Let's solve IT".
Here is my details page as a mentor:

Areas in which I could help:
Mid/Senior: Software testing, Test Management, IT Consulting, Team building, Agile, Product Ownership, working with the client, project mvp building
Junior: Project Management, Human Management, company/project development strategy, technical aspects of software testing, career paths, recruitment
Feel free to book my available time slots and let's do some fun stuff togheter.
More details about the project:
Let’s Solve IT is an international project that helps solve IT & tech-related problems. It provides video conferences with various new technology experts, helping participants to face problems they are stuck on.
Do you need someone to help you solve your problem? Through a special platform and filling out a short form with a description of your problem, you will gain an access to consultations in the IT field of your interest. All of this will be done online, in an 1 to 1 meeting format, and free of charge. Our experts are here to help you.
We believe that in a difficult time of the epidemic, such method of quick contact and support for women in gaining and expanding their knowledge may turn out to be the most effective, and perhaps also the only possible.
Let’s Solve IT – together we are unstoppable
Do you know this feeling: one word, a helping hand, a piece of advice that makes the difference. The one that matters, that unblocks you, brings you to the smarter solution, deeper understanding and feeling that you are on your way again. The magic that builds bridges of connections and cooperation between us, humans. And makes us unstoppable, because together we are such. That’s why Let’s Solve IT was created.
For every woman who has a challenge to overcome or needs expert help. For every woman who needs short mentoring sessions that will help her to hone their skills.
From February 15th 2021 to March 14th 2021 - Online.