Konferencja testerzy.pl, Gdansk 2019
Testerzy.pl conference in Gdansk 2019

One of Great things that has happened to my in 2019 was the recognition by testerzy.pl as one of the testers of 2019. I believe one of the reason was my activity at conferences all around Europe and being an ambasador of great polish software testers community.
Following the honour we started a small cooperation. I got invited to, I believe the first official testerzy.pl conference, that took place in Gdansk.
I had the priviledge to be the open speaker and give my insights about building a perfect team and daily working with developers.
From my perspective this was a challenging task to run a new conference for few hundereds of seats. Radek suggested that he aimed the audience to be mostly people entering or at the beginning of the tester career. He was a local and he knew the local scene a lot better than me. The conference was a great success with many more people wanted to be there, that it could be invited.
I have to say that the organization was perfect, great venoue, good care on the speakers. We got a speakers room, that I hope will be a standard in all polish conferences. Really pleasend dinner with cospeakers with a chance to have great conversations with both other spekers and people behind the sceene on the conference. Gdanks is beautiful so some additional time to sighsee the old town was great.
My personal discovery of the conference was that for first time in my life I had the chance to see live Jakub Rosinski on stage. I really liked his topic, and way of presenting, a lot of slower and conversational than me. I really felt the amazement and involvememnt of the audience.
I want to thank all the organizers for the opportunity to be there and hope that the conference will be a permanent landmark on polish map. Hope it will grow and start to be a place to go-to for each tester starting their career.