AgileByExample 2018, 22-24.10 Warsaw Poland

My next stop was a bit out of the box for me. I finally got my change to try some bread outside of QA conferences world. I got invited to Agile By Example 2018. One of few Agile conferences that I never visited as attendee, but only hear great stories from Piotr Wieczerzak.
I got an invite to workshops DOJO where I had the privilege to join the "Personal Agility" workshop with Peter Stevens followed by great lesson about "Flow-focused metrics" and LEAN by Radosław Orszewski.
Then there were two epic days of guests from around the world with great histories and experiences, the names that will go to my favorites speakers shortlist are: Kevin Goldsmith, Petter Abrahamsen, Joshua Kerievsky, Angel Medinilla, Jacek Wieczorek, Radosław Orszewski, Maciej Michalski (in order of their appearance on stage). I would recommend to visit their speech if You got them at the conference You attend.
As a part of the conference I also got my slot with "It requires three to understand, define and deliver". I talked about refinement techniques and importance of 3 amigos practice inside features definition and delivery. Below the video if You are interested.
Agile conferences are a bit different than QA ones. Different stories and problems to solve. Not technical people with a lot more process and management oriented approach. I feel there is a great space for improvement for us the "delivery people" to give our approach and way of thinking at that type of conferences. I already saw a lot more pivot to encourage Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches to understand the technical aspects of delivery during the lighting talks.