Agile Lean Ireland, Dublin 2019

Thanks to the opportunity to be the speaker at Agile by Example 2018 in Warsaw I met one of the organizators of the Agile Lean Ireland conference. He liked by talk about effective cooperation of testers in developers in agile feature team and give me the opportunity to share the dsame examples in Dubiln.

This was the main course on my speakers list for 2019. Huge crowd, great speakers on schedule. My first ever trip to be the speaker in that part of Europe. Hopes were high and I have to admit that this converence delivered.
One of first great ideas was that part of the welcome package for erach attendee was books written by keynote speakers this way I got „Flow” and „Unlearn”, both from by to-read list.
Great opening was fallowed with me joining „agile testing” track as speaker and then as active participant. Second day started wonderful with Mary Poppendick giving us insight how SpaceX aproached continous learning and exprerimens with rocket landing project. Then I decided to stay fully on AgileHR track. Great idea to move agile principles from project delivery to people management and growth. Many insights from Management3.0.
I have to say this was one of the best conferences outside of the testing world that I have been to and I would recommend it to any Scrum Master, Agile Coach or people interested in Agile delivery.
I cannot find the videos but got the slides:
- It requires 3 amigos to define and deliver business goals – Michał Buczko (Objectivity)
Thanks to the organizors for having me there it was a blast !!